Wednesday, July 9, 2008

body part <------>food

here is what i heard from a doctor when i was posted to labor wad
'your body is somehow connected with the food'
who does he tried to say?? i guess.......
the case was...
a malay lady with 2nd degree obesity with maternal hypertension, gravida 1 and parity 0
she had a macrosomic baby, and by the time i enter the cubic she just finish the delivery and motionless....
the baby is big, with jelly cord(actually nothing special about jelly cord, it's just a jelly-like cord)
when i look at the patient's vagina, there is a lacerated wound, should be due to tearing when the baby try to come out, and the wound is very big even the external sphincter ani muscle is torn.

here comes the doctor asking"how do differentiate internal and external sphincter muscle?"
refer to the sentence he said above, internal sphincter is lighter in color which will be fishy color, while external sphincter will be darker in color which resemble beef color.'s a good way for remembrance, but somehow if starting from now on every time u eat fish or beef you think of the sphincter ani muscle........yew!!!!
for me it's ok...i never think much when i m hungry, i can have good appetite even after inspecting a smelly cadaver, how about you??


Kiwi-Bird said...

Wow, good one, thanks for the info!

My appetite turned better after cadaver session leh, somemore can eat beef although its texture is EXACTLY the same as the cadaver.

YY Ong LTR! said...

ei, internal sphincter Hoh, I tell u... u put ur left finger per rectum. and use ur right index finger and thumb to pinch ur Glan. the internal sphincter willl constrict... haha...

sine nomine said...

kiwi:seems like cadaver turn ur appetite on?lol
yy ong: u tried it ar??haha

YY Ong LTR! said...

aiyo.. this is basic la enyuan.. must know one.. patient with spinal shock. first refelx to return is this la...

Kiwi-Bird said...

Nah, it din turn on, neither off! hehehe!