Friday, December 11, 2009

O &G

having O&G cycle now...even with my right ankle sprained, i still want to go for class (the main reason is i don't want to have countless reworking classes)
so, finally we can have some chances to do VE and bimanual palpation, observed some abortions and even felt the curating movement......aih, when is my chance?

maybe i shouldn't be so rush, have to wait till my leg fully recover, then i shall get my chance...
still have plenty of time for me to get my chance.


~~Dreams Come True~~ said...

WOW!U wanna get curetted??? U gotta have an abortion done, man!Ooops, sorry, WOMAN! LOL
And obviously u need an uterus hahaha

sine nomine said...

i wanna try doin on pt la...not being curetted