Tuesday, December 1, 2009

hoping too much...

i guess everyone did that....when we want to have something desperately...we keep on hoping, making the same wish over and over again, repeating whisper in the heart for that particular 'thing'...
of course, it's very good if your wishes come true, but if it's not...who cares? will you those reading my blog will cares for what i didn't get? stop the non-sense, u and i know exactly the answer.
(maybe ur mum or your closed-one will cares, do keep some hope on this)

but in the real world...nothing comes by free, everything you have to earn with your hardworks. hope can keep you alive, but how to be alive...you have to work it out!


Draco Argentum said...

The last time I cared for someone, it ended in a complete disaster...but yet..I still do care.. =p so yeah..its not everyone won't care..its how you react to those who do.

~~Dreams Come True~~ said...
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~~Dreams Come True~~ said...

Yau-Man's philosophy (just in case u dont know, he is a contestant of Survivor Fiji) : "Love many, trust few, do wrong to none."

So continue to care and love, it is never too much to spread your little love to others ;) Because you never know the power of your little little deeds...

sine nomine said...

Draco: maybe also have to learn how to react to those who don't :P
SL:oh...of course i know the Yau Man, i do love alot..just sometimes hoping to get some back :)