Sunday, December 27, 2009



“你需要的伴侣,最好是那能够和你并肩立在船头,浅斟低唱两岸风光,同时更能在惊涛骇浪中紧紧握住你的手不放的人。换句话说,最好她本身不是你必须应付的惊涛骇浪。”~ 龙应台 《亲爱的安德烈》


Monday, December 21, 2009

bye bye O&G, hello CID

finally...end of my O&G cycle
finally, finished reworking all my missed classes and exam
finally...i can walk without crutches's last week of my 11th semester

Friday, December 11, 2009

O &G

having O&G cycle now...even with my right ankle sprained, i still want to go for class (the main reason is i don't want to have countless reworking classes)
so, finally we can have some chances to do VE and bimanual palpation, observed some abortions and even felt the curating movement......aih, when is my chance?

maybe i shouldn't be so rush, have to wait till my leg fully recover, then i shall get my chance...
still have plenty of time for me to get my chance.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

is all the hardworks gonna pay off?

i'ts quite hard's all lie upon me and i guess it's quite huge responsibilities....
it's kind of 1st experience for me, but i believe i can handle it well, as i have bunch of good and nice comrades around me, we have had fight all along the way until now, we started as nothing, but now at least we can come out with something, and hopefully with this something can bring many many things for all of us.
but so far did we heard any compliments?......anyone heard it? tell me if you do :)
what i heard are all backtalks, criticism, bad remarks.....are we able to get through it?
are all our hardworks going into drains? it's all depends on the response, and it tells me it's GOOD!

for anyone out there, pls have a look inside, try to see for what we had done so far before giving any comments. your concern is highly appreciated :)

trying to walk today...but still felt something unusual with my right ankle joint....aih

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

hoping too much...

i guess everyone did that....when we want to have something desperately...we keep on hoping, making the same wish over and over again, repeating whisper in the heart for that particular 'thing'...
of course, it's very good if your wishes come true, but if it's not...who cares? will you those reading my blog will cares for what i didn't get? stop the non-sense, u and i know exactly the answer.
(maybe ur mum or your closed-one will cares, do keep some hope on this)

but in the real world...nothing comes by free, everything you have to earn with your hardworks. hope can keep you alive, but how to be have to work it out!