in term of wisdom...of course i'm gaining some wisdom each and everyday, i learnt everyday :)
in term of age, every person on this earth is growing older day by day then...
so...perhaps u might be wondering what i wanna talk about in this post..
actually i realise myself is growing for the past few weeks.......... in horizontal way
OMG~~~! never had myself feeling of being fat like this before..and there gone my 6 packs abs :P
my waist is bigger, pants are more tight,
my tummy is bigger and rounder than ever i felt before.....oh shit!!! it's like 3 months pregnant!
sometimes i was wondering something growing inside my abdomen?....nah, it cannot be, no obstruction, compression and neoplasm signs on me.
could it be intestinal hypertrophy? due to overload of foodstuffs and fluid inside.....but i defecated normally everyday. so what's the problems?
i should blame on the recent heavy meals and lack of execises.....and also cold rainy weather which keeps me stayed indoor, and sleep/sit whole day long.
'come on...get ur butt of the chair and do exercises~'
hard work to reduce my tummy :
bumping 100 per day
sit up 50 per day
stretching 20 min per day
mb will add jogging 2km...
aih, depends on my left feet which currently sending warning impulses to me for overusage :S
the medical students common problems:)
we tell patients to exercise and eat well,but when i look at my own diet,comprise mostly of food with not much nutrition value,coz i have no time n energy to prepare and get a good meal:) haha
veri ironic...and i dunno y i just dun exercise much...
you know what is the best way for you to keep fit??give me all your $$..confirm u are fitter than now after 1week!!
jeff: maybe u missed out something there, i did mention i DEFECATE NORMALLY EVERYDAY...try to read better before u have something to say ya~
H0p3:hm...quite true,a doctor will be the worst patient,hahaha~ but i will have a nice dinner everyday as a best reward to myself after whole day work, and maybe due to this my tummy growing bigger :P
chinmei: giving u all my money jz make me poor and malnutrition, it wont make me fitter.beside tat, i rather donate all my money than giving u :P
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