Saturday, June 27, 2009

it's a very hot summer..

just finished all my papers yesterday, thereby my summer holiday started officially..... and there is nothing more relaxing and enjoying than sitting down comfortably, tasting sweet cooling ice-cream while watching movies.....haha

sound a little bit bored as this is just after exams...maybe i should just went out have some fun, do some crazy stuffs and release all the stress accumulated ages ago...yeah~should have gone out, but of course not immediately as i still have to restore back my energy after long exhausted exam period

it's very hot summer now...the sun is burning up every single inch ground on this poor earth, maybe not the entire earth, but the place i stay now is currently hot like hell...god bless my friends who will stay during their summer holiday in simferopol...i have no idea how they can survive the heat. what would if i m granted with a answer will be definitely a cooling air-conditioner if i were going to stay here during summer period

had a nice chit-chat with my best friend this was superb and we had some happy moments. glad that the exams are over, and we all are going back malaysia i come~~~
and lastly.....hopefully h1n1 virus wont find us all during the whole journey back to malaysia :)

c ya guys back in malaysia


Kiwi-Bird said...

happy holiday..
welcome back to malaysia..

~~Dreams Come True~~ said...

Haha, summer in Ukraine is not bored and that hot stuffy. There are just so many things to do. Hope you enjoy your holis in Malaysia. And see you soon in Ukraine, SIMFEROPOL hehehe