Wednesday, January 28, 2009

greeting from home

Many things happened recently,

just had my new semester started today, on the 2nd day of cny

my hostel run out of hot water for the past 2 weeks and there is no hope for any drop of hot water for this chilling winter

we are forbidden to boil any water using any kind of heating element… siao! Anyway, we still use coiler to boil hot water for bathing

I been wearing both right-side slipper for past few months…haha:P

1st time banker in blackjack while gambling with friends in cny eve…hiaz, i lose all my coins~

And the best thing is..i just received a cny greeting sms from my dad back in msia, this the 1st ever forwarded sms from dad to me, I will keep it for my life

Saturday, January 24, 2009

happy chinese new year~!

nothing much to crap this time....jz to wish everyone out there happy chinese new year
those who wants angpau will get more angpaus
those who working will get more bonus
just wish everyone will do fine and happy in the new coming year

stuck in the weird land will never give me much mood to celebrate my cny.....luckily still hv some friends around. :)
should hv gone home for this cny....miss my home so much,aih~

Friday, January 9, 2009


day by day passed and today i just finished my only exam subject for this semester...O&G. it was not as tough as i thought... i m just getting myself nervous and tension all the while, haha... scared of myself. yet, there is still plenty of rooms for me to pick up in this field if i wanna specialize in it.

mean while, most of my friends are either on the midway of planning, busying packing, or on the way for winter holiday...Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Egypt, Italy etc.... how envious are they. i hope one day i can go as well, but due to tight budget and insufficiency of sponsorship.. there is no other choice then giving up.... :(

what to do...this will be long refreshing rejuvenating winter holiday for me. furthermore outside is like constant below zero for this chilling winter, i would rather just staying indoor hibernating. :)

Saturday, January 3, 2009

a must watch movie

another week for my O&G exam..but this is a cant missed movie which i wan to intro to all of u;

for english description...pls click here

◎简  介 
故事的主角名叫贾马尔·马利克,一个自小失去双亲在孟买贫民窟长大的青年。18岁的他将在全国人民的注视下经历他人生中最辉煌的一晚。他参加了一档名为 《谁想成为百万富翁》的电视节目,该节目将举国上下的热情都煽动到了最高点,而成为焦点的贾马尔离真正的成功只有一步之遥——只要他正确回答最后一道问 题,令人垂涎的2000万卢比将归他所有。
  通过他对自己艰难人生的描述,所有人都明白了他能回答出电视节目里的那些问题绝非偶然和作弊。随着他的回忆,展示在大家面前的除了是他的人生经历外, 还有就是他能答对如此之多的题目的真实原因——从他的生活经历中都能够找出每道题的答题线索,他能够从他的人生经历中得到启示。当大家消除了贾马尔作弊的 疑问后,另一个神秘问题又盘踞在大家心头:如若真如贾马尔自己所说那样,参加该节目并不是对金钱和财富的欲望,那到底是什么力量在促使这位“街头仔”参与 到这个节目当中并坚持到最后?令电视节目的制作方、巡视员和超过千万的电视观众都大跌眼镜的是,他这样做仅仅是为了找到昔日的恋人拉媞卡,因为她是《谁想 成为百万富翁》的忠实拥趸